Oct 26, 2008

Bullfight, the Spanish Way

The aristocrats used good bred horses and plays the game while in horseback. The citizens later on adopted it as a common sport sans the use of horse started and still in practice today. The traditional bullfights are almost the same with the modern ones. Although some of the practices are simplified, the rules of the game are quite the same.The matador has an entourage that is composed of six aides: lancers, flagmen and sword page. There are two lancers also called picadores, the bandilleros (flagmen) are three and one mozo de espada. Inspired by Spain’s colorful clothing, the toreros or matadors wears Andalusian clothing.The matador by this time confronts the bull and observes very carefully. The picaderos will follow after the trumpet sound signal was heard and the bull’s first draw blood will be done. Drawing blood between the neck and shoulder blades will weaken the bull. Bullfight passes will be shown here by the matador to please the crowd. The next stage will further weaken the animal by jabbing two sharp sticks called banderillas on the flank of the bull. The inflicted wounds will make the animal charged more wildly. The matador will soon re-enter without his entourage carrying a red cape called muleta and a sword. This stage is called the faena. The faena is the best part and most impressive on this game. On this part, the matador will show off his courage and elegant moves using the muleta to bring the bull in a position that will enable him to stab it in the heart through the shoulder. Read More....

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